

Motivation There are currently 6,096 packages on Bioconductor, broken down as follows: Repository Packages data-annotation 2,693 data-experiment 855 software 2,516 workflows 32 In an effort to motivate myself to keep an eye out for interesting packages - both new and old - I have used the BiocPkgTools package to develop a website updated daily and feature packages selected randomly from each repository.

iSEE - Bioconductor 2020 Workshop Presentation

Overview of the iSEE package and functionality

iSEE - Bioconductor 2020 Flash Presentation

Flash presentation of the iSEE package and functionality

iSEE flashtalk | Bioconductor conference 2019

A brief introduction to the iSEE package.

iSEE workshop at Bioc2019!

The iSEE package will be presented as a workshop at the Bioconductor 2019 conference in New York City! What to expect Charlotte Soneson and I will be conducting a workshop that demonstrates the many features and usages of the iSEE package.

iSEE workshop | Bioconductor conference 2019

An introduction to the iSEE package and functionality.