
The primary aim of this project is to allow for transcript-level visualizations in the iSEE framework. The expected deliverables are two or three new panels to the iSEE interface. These panels should provide users with relevant insights at the level of individual isoforms. By extension, this challenge can be seen a single application within the larger effort of unlocking iSEE for data with multiple modes.



Challenge leader(s)

Date added

This challenge was created on December 16, 2020


  • Visualization


A minimum of 1 week is recommended for this challenge.


A list of GitHub repositories that participate in this challenge.

## Warning in .cache_github_repo(repo): Querying github
repository stargazers latest.push
jgilis/iSEEtranscripts 6 2021-06-26 12:43:38


Fork the original repository iSEEtranscripts, work on a branch of your forked repository, and submit a pull request to the main repository when your contribution is ready for review.

Ideas and suggestions can also be discussed by opening or contributing to issues.