Making a map of COVID-19 cases
I have added an interactive world map to my COVID-19 website using the leaflet
Using my existing data preprocessing setup, it was incredibly easy to set up the interactive map! This includes a popup that displays the latest information for the corresponding country.
leaflet(plot_data) %>%
addTiles() %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.WorldImagery, group = "World Imagery") %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$Stamen.TonerLite, group = "Toner Lite") %>%
lng = ~Longitude, lat = ~Latitude, weight = 1,
radius = ~log(Deaths + 1) * radius_multiplier,
popup = sprintf(
"Confirmed cases: %s",
"Active cases: %s",
"Death: %s",
"Recovered: %s",
sep = "</br>"),
format(plot_data$Date, "%a %b %d"),
format(plot_data$Confirmed, big.mark = ","),
format(plot_data$Active, big.mark = ","),
format(plot_data$Deaths, big.mark = ","),
format(plot_data$Recovered, big.mark = ","))
A tweak
The one tweak I pulled is to automatically adjust the multiplier controlling the radius of each circle as a function of the death toll. The multiplier is computed so that the largest circle on the map has a radius of 200 kilometers. All other circles are resized proportionally using the same multiplier.
radius_multiplier <- 2E5 / max(sqrt(plot_data$Deaths), na.rm = TRUE)
World map | COVID-19-website |
Code | kevinrue/COVID-19-website |
leaflet | |