Motivation for this blog


Kevin Rue-Albrecht


May 12, 2023


This initiative was inspired by an email that landed in my inbox out of the blue one evening, from a person I don’t think I’ve ever met or even interacted with, located on a different continent, working on projects that I was not familiar with at the time.

That kind soul had decided to send an email to me and a collaborator simply to express gratitude for some of our contributions to the Bioconductor community over the past few years, highlighting a few ways in which they had benefited of our work.

The sheer warmth of the message reminded me that it is easy to underestimate how much good a few words can do, and that a small pat of the shoulder is sometimes all we need to re-energise our work with new-found motivation and sense of purpose.

The next day, I found myself working on the documentation of some of my Bioconductor packages and – undoubtedly still positively stimulated by the email of the evening before – was reminded of the huge debt of gratitude I felt myself toward another member of the Bioconductor community whose own hard work had made it possible for some of my own work to exist at all. Sending them a short message to let them know how grateful I felt, I was extremely pleased to read their reply indicating that my brief message had brigthened their own day.

The lingering feeling of happiness from that cascade of goodness is why I decided to create this blog, with the hope that it will encourage more of us to share the love and support that we sometimes forget the power of!

So, clone the repository and submit new posts through pull requests, or fork the repository and add new posts directly on GitHub (you’ll still need to submit a pull request), and join me in praising fellow Bioconductor community members!